about dream
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. -- Eleanor Roosevelt
Understanding Node.js for Python Developers, A Comparison with FastAPI Understanding Node.js for Python Developers, A Comparison with FastAPI
IntroductionAs a developer with a background in building web applications using Python frameworks like Flask and FastAPI
Measuring Average Latency with FAISS on Apple M1 Measuring Average Latency with FAISS on Apple M1
FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search) is a powerful library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vect
How to handle blocking tasks in Asynchronous functions efficiently How to handle blocking tasks in Asynchronous functions efficiently
When using asyncio.create_task(function1) and asyncio.create_task(function2), you are creating two asynchronous tasks th
Turbocharge Your FastAPI with asyncio, Running Background Tasks in Parallel with Immediate Response Turbocharge Your FastAPI with asyncio, Running Background Tasks in Parallel with Immediate Response
Developing a responsive and efficient web application is a paramount goal for developers. One common requirement is the
Check your public IP address using python Check your public IP address using python
If you ever need to quickly check your public IP address, one efficient way to do it is by calling an IP search website.
Generate different language speech using OpenAI text to speech API Generate different language speech using OpenAI text to speech API
How to use openai text to speech to generate speech for different languages? If your input is English, you can use the f
Troubleshooting Clang Errors During Python Package Installation Troubleshooting Clang Errors During Python Package Installation
When you encounter a Clang error during the installation of Python packages, it often relates to issues in compiling C o
Understanding ThreadPoolExecutor in Python, A Memory Perspective Understanding ThreadPoolExecutor in Python, A Memory Perspective
When we discuss concurrency in Python, particularly with ThreadPoolExecutor, a common question arises: Why does it depen
An Dockerfile Example for FastAPI and Corresponding Explaination An Dockerfile Example for FastAPI and Corresponding Explaination
To create a Dockerfile that starts with a basic Ubuntu image, installs Python, and the necessary packages from a require
Soft and Hard Movie Subtitles and How to Detect them Soft and Hard Movie Subtitles and How to Detect them
Movies around the globe are enjoyed by a diverse audience, thanks in large part to subtitles that bridge language barrie
How does Auth0 work and how to protect our API endpoints How does Auth0 work and how to protect our API endpoints
First, let’s clarify some terms involved in this process: Audience: Typically a URI or a unique identifier for the API
Understanding Python Naming Conventions, Underscores vs. Dashes Understanding Python Naming Conventions, Underscores vs. Dashes
When diving into the world of Python programming, one of the first things you’ll notice is the importance of naming conv
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