How to Include Curly Braces in Python Format Strings

When working with Python format strings, it is common to use curly braces ({}) to insert variables or expressions into a string. However, what if you need to include curly braces in the output string without them being interpreted as a format specifier?

Fortunately, Python provides a simple solution for this. You can use double curly braces to escape the special meaning of a single set of curly braces.

For example, let’s say you have a variable named my_var that you want to include in a format string, along with some curly braces that you want to appear in the output string. You can achieve this by using the following code:

my_var = 42
my_string = f"The value of my_var is {{my_var}}."

The output of this code will be:

The value of my_var is {my_var}.

As you can see, the double curly braces are interpreted as a single set of curly braces in the output string, while the single curly braces surrounding my_var are interpreted as a format specifier.

In conclusion, using double curly braces is an easy way to include curly braces in Python format strings without them being interpreted as format specifiers. This can be particularly useful when working with output strings that include special characters or syntax that would otherwise cause errors or unexpected behavior.

Author: robot learner
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