Why Modifying a Dictionary During Iteration Causes an Error

In Python, dictionaries are a type of mutable container. That means, in principle, you can change them – add new key-value pairs, update values, or even remove keys. However, a common error when working with dictionaries is trying to modify them (e.g., using pop()) while looping through them. Let’s delve into why this is problematic and how to address it.

The Issue

Consider a simple loop through a dictionary:

data = {'good': 1, 'bad': 2, 'ugly': 3}
for key in data:
if key == 'bad':

When you try to run this code, Python will raise a RuntimeError with the message: dictionary changed size during iteration.

The reason is intuitive. When you’re looping through a dictionary (or any iterable, for that matter), Python creates an iterator that expects the items to be in a specific order. If you change the dictionary’s size while iterating, the iterator loses track of which items have been seen and which haven’t, which can cause unpredictable results.


1. Create a Copy for Iteration

The simplest solution is to loop over a copy of the dictionary’s keys. This way, the original dictionary can be modified while iterating over the copy:

for key in list(data.keys()):
if key == 'bad':

2. Dictionary Comprehension

Python’s dictionary comprehensions provide a concise and efficient way to filter or transform dictionary data:

data = {'good': 1, 'bad': 2, 'ugly': 3}
new_dict = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if k != 'bad'}

In the above code, new_dict will have the value {‘good’: 1, ‘ugly’: 3} after execution.


While Python allows mutable operations on dictionaries, caution is needed when combining iteration with mutations. Always remember that modifying a collection while iterating through it can lead to unexpected behavior or errors. Using a list copy or dictionary comprehensions are two effective methods to avoid these pitfalls.

Author: robot learner
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